Choose a month:
Button test
Choose a Month:
Plain Button:
Image Button:
External element:
No button:
ShowOn both:
Month format test Choose a Month:
Min/MaxMonth test Choose a Month:
Right to left Choose a Month:
Toggle method test Choose a Month:
Events Choose a Month:
Today is highlighted Choose a Month:
Only one picker open test First picker:
Second picker:
MinMonth and MaxMonth Demonstration
This demonstrates how you can limit the user to choosing months within a given interval.
Future months only:
Past months only:
18 months from today:
Start Year Demonstration
This demonstrates how the plugin will default to the year specified in the text box. Changing the year in the
text box will result in a new default year for the chooser and if no date is selected then the default year is
the current year.
Choose a month:
Override Start Year Demonstration
This demonstrates how the MonthPicker can be configured to override the start year default behavior. This MonthPicker
will start on 2023 no matter which date is currently selected, even if no date is specified.
Choose a month:
Get Month/Year & Validation API Demonstration
This demonstrates API usage for the GetSelectedMonthYear(), GetSelectedYear() and GetSelectedMonth() function
calls which will also perform date validation. Clear() will clear the text field and any validation messages.
Choose a month:
Disable/Enable API Demonstration
This demonstrates API usage for the Enable() and Disable().
Choose a month:
Digital Bush Integration Demonstration
This demonstrates how the MonthPicker plugin integrates with the Digital Bush Plugin for Input Masking as well as the html 5 placeholder attribute to simulate watermarking. Try to type an invalid date and try the
Get Month/Year button to fire off validation.
Type in a month/year:
Type in a month/year::
HTML 5 Month Input Type Support
This demonstrates how the MonthPicker will work with the HTML 5 Month Input Type. View this section using Chrome
to see Google's latest implementation in comparison.
Jquery UI Month Picker:
Chrome Month Picker: